
B1G Imus
4 min readFeb 21, 2023

Are you tired of waiting?

Wondering when your season will come?

When will the “whys” end and your dreams begin?

How long should you wait for prayers to be answered?

Tired of all the waiting games.

These are the words of the song that I was trying to write that was inspired at the time I was making a graphic art of the word BLOOM.

When will it come?

After seeing many of my friends living life to the fullest, including traveling abroad, spending their hard-earned money on things, being able to support their families while still being able to buy whatever they want, having a partner, and even getting married, I used to think to myself, “My time will come. We each have our own blooming season.” But after thinking and thinking again about what to write next, I can’t add words to it. It was supposed to be a song of questions to God: when will my time begin, when will I bloom, Lord? When will my season come?

Stopping for a moment, I found God leading me to look into the definition of the word Bloom.

BLOOM: a state or time of beauty, freshness, and vigor; a state or time of high development or achievement; to flourish in youthful beauty, freshness, or excellence; to shine out: GLOW; to be fully expressed

Living life to the fullest

Reading and noting all these, I was stunned and rebuked lovingly by the Lord. It is not the material things you can have in this world that will make you bloom. It is not wrong to dream of having abundant life and blossoming; it is what God wants us to enjoy, as said in John 10:10 “..I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” But what does it really mean to have an abundant life?

We often think that living an abundant life means having material wealth and prosperity, but “abundant life” means something more than that. It means blossoming into a life full of the fruit of the spirit — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; (Galatians 5:22–23)

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. — Colossians 3:2–3

The Season to Bloom

So, from questioning God about when will my blooming season come, I started to ask God, “Lord, when is THAT time that I feel most like I am blooming?” Then the Lord reminded me of Moses in Exodus, when he came from Mount Sinai after God told him to write the Ten Commandments. It says here:

“When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand as he came down from the mountain, Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God.” — Exodus 34:29

At that time, Moses spent 40 days and 40 nights on Mount Sinai, being in the presence of God and talking to Him. And there, the Lord answered my question.

It is in the presence of God that I feel most blooming, joyful, and satisfied, and that, for me, is the abundance of life. Being in the most precious presence of the Lord, He again reminded me of His presence in my life.

He never left, not even for a second. He never forsakes me. He never leaves my side. He is our Constant One and in Him, we can have life and have it to the full. We are set apart and hidden with Christ in God. We do not have to wait for our own season, because that blooming season is already here for us, we just have to dive in and be in that place, in the presence of God, and you will feel satisfied and lack nothing.

Things around you might still feel difficult, but come to His presence, and He will surely meet you there. I just felt that overwhelming feeling of God that is embracing us right now, just feel it, He is embracing you now.

And, oh, the song. I was able to write it, and God made me write this as a reminder and a message from Him to myself and to you.

I will wait, Lord

Until your time for me will come

It may be hard for me to see

But I trust you have the best for me

It may not be what I want,

But you know for sure what I need

I will wait, Lord until you say:

It’s time for you to shine, my love

But then I understood, It’s not the gold and silver

Nothing in this world will satisfy, all of this life’s desire

And all the yearnings of this heart

But it is because of You

Being here with me

And the love you have for me

I bloom the most in your presence, Lord

I can’t wait to see

How you will work for me

And how you will use me for Your glory

Jesus, it is in You

This life is just beginning to blossom

When I realize, I am blooming for You

God is telling us, “Your blooming season is here, my child, here in my presence, just come.”

I am praying and hoping that these words will encourage you and remind you that God is there; he will never leave you, and in Him, YOU WILL BLOOM. And another reminder from the Lord is that we blossom when we are doing the will of God in our lives and living out the purpose He has for us. So, I pray that whatever it is that God has called you to do, pray about it, soak in His presence, and do it. He will be the one to enable you to do it. Bloom for Him, bloom with Him and bloom in Him.

Happy blooming season!


Alyanna Losantas



B1G Imus
B1G Imus

Written by B1G Imus

Be One With God — Imus. B1G means Be One With God. We are a community where the singles, not-yet-married people gather and know more about Jesus.

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