Faint heart’s Safe Refuge
Psalm 61:2 “From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
You’ve probably read or heard “rock” as one of the characteristics our Lord has. On this devotion, we’d be digging in on what it really means and would be magnifying on why it’s being associated as one of His characters.
One of the most common verses known for this would be Psalm 61:2 which says, “From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
The Rock that is higher
You’d be sensing how David desperately calls God and how fast his hope is losing. This eventually led to his petition, “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I” and recognizing that he cannot trust in his own strength, thus, he pleads with God to be his “rock”, to be his place of refuge.
Generally, rock is a symbol of strength and stability. This makes sense further as the Bible frequently refers to rocky formations as places of safety and security where one could hide from an enemy (like in 1 Samuel 1:6) — of course, how can you feel safe if you’d be staying somewhere unstable! David refers to God as his rock in whom he takes refuge and when he refers to God as “rock”, this is not an image of a small rock that someone could hold in his hand. Rather, God is like a huge stone or even a rocky mountain that serves as a foundation and place of refuge.
Safe and secure
We can also take another perspective of David asking God to lead him to God himself, the “highest ground” one could seek. Come to think of it, the highest ground is considered to be safe and secure because it provides a strategic vantage point and is easily defended — like when floodwaters begin to rise or the use of a tower in a base within a battle ground.
You may be feeling drowned by the flood of chaos recently happening in your life or perhaps you’re currently on a battleground of unending thoughts in your head but remember to call God our Rock, the one who will be our source of stability and comfort in a world of change and unrest.
Razel Anne Angat