How do you respond to fear?

B1G Imus


We all face storms in our life. Sometimes, the storm can be so overwhelming that it consumes our entire being and put our faith to the test.

We are facing a storm right now. We are facing a global pandemic. A storm that has caught us off guard and it’s natural to feel worried, to fear, or to be anxious. Worry about financial security due to the inability to go to work, fear of economic ruin that might lead to loss of jobs and resources, or maybe fear of being infected that will result in death.

In the book of Zechariah, the LORD says “I will defend the people of Jerusalem, so that the weakest among them will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of the LORD going before them.” (Zechariah 12:8)

“Be like David…”

David faced his own storm in the form of Goliath. David seemed to be of no match to the Philistine giant but this didn’t concern him. David knew how big and mighty his enemy was but he also knew how big, mighty, and sovereign his God is.

It is a lesson of courage, faith, and overcoming what seems to be impossible. And like the storm of David, the might of the storm that we’re facing is not worth comparing to the might of our God.

Now, let’s find the David within us for we are all facing a Goliath right now.

Turn your fear into faith.

Be like David. For every Goliath needs a David.


Paolo Canua — B1G Imus Coordinator

April 15, 2020



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