Each of us will give and account of ourselves to God. Therefore, let us stop passing judgment to one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.” — Romans 14:12–13, NIV
You and I hold different views, opinions, and beliefs, and we sometimes argue about them in church. What does the Bible say about this?
If you read Romans 14 and focus on verses 12 — 13, we see that one of the challenges that Christians face is the judgment and persecution we receive from other people. In my experience, when this happens within the church, it can damage the relationship and trust of the person towards others and that might affect their journey in faith.
In the past, there were instances when I judged other people solely based on their past experiences and their beliefs. At times during school, I had this mindset that, because I attended church and was actively involved in service, I was somehow better than my classmates. I found it easy to pass judgment on them due to their behavior and attitudes. As a result, I encountered difficulties in inviting them and sharing the gospel. I eventually came to realize that this approach was incorrect and not in alignment with God’s will.
I agree that we need to focus our eyes on Jesus. And while we are still living here on earth interacting with one another, we need the help and support. of our family, DGroup, and friends. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome to welcome those with weak faith but not to argue with them about their personal opinions (Romans 14:1). He also reminded them that each of us humans will give an account to God for what we have done. .
Paul’s message is still relevant to us modern-day Christians today, which is why we need to be reminded that we all need to improve and reflect on the kindness and compassion Christ has shown us and follow His example. So let us stop judging one another.
My prayer is that our relationships with our fellow believers will be pleasing and glorifying to God because that is what the Lord desires to see — us helping and encouraging one another, understanding one another’s weaknesses, and praying for those people to be strong in their faith. In this way, people will understand the true meaning of following Jesus, thus igniting the spread of the gospel of salvation to others, and thereby expanding God’s kingdom on Earth.
How does this devotion’s message resonate with you, and what action will you take based on it?
- Avoid making judgments about others.
- God wants us, as Christians, to show kindness to others.
- We need to avoid negative thinking towards other people, as it reflects the kind of person we are.
Dear Lord, I ask for your forgiveness; search my heart, remove my negative attitude, and grant me a heart of compassion.
Thank you, Lord, because You love everyone, and You show grace and compassion through Jesus Christ. Help me to love like Jesus and to help the people you send my way to know You and grow more in their faith in You. Will you please bless us and protect us from this day on until Jesus comes back again. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Alvin Aguilar