Main Verse:
Isaiah 65:2 (NKJV)
“I have stretched out My hands all day long to a rebellious people, who walk in a way that is not good, according to their own thoughts;”
Main Devotion:
Many of us experience hurt and deep frustration for not getting the same level of love we may feel for or give another person. We wonder why our care or concern is not reciprocated. We question why we are not valued as much as we value the other.
But have you ever thought about God feeling the same way towards us? In the Book of Isaiah, God says, “I have stretched out My hands all day long to a rebellious people”. Can you imagine the heart of the Lord waiting all day everyday for His people to trust and obey Him, proving His faithfulness and mercy over and over?
God understands us. He knows exactly about love unreciprocated. But He doesn’t just stop at understanding us. He tells us everyday that He loves us — through the people around us and the circumstances He allows us to go through in life. And He made the grandest gesture of His love for us when He sent His One and only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins so we can spend eternity with Him.
While God uses people as channels of His love for us, no man can satisfy the deep longings of our heart. Only God can. The reason why we feel disappointed with people is because we expect them to give us something that only God can give.
In one of my conversations with the Lord, He spoke these words to my heart: “Expect nothing from anyone. Expect only from Me.” So when I find myself expecting or demanding from people, I immediately go back to His Word. Quickly, I turn my eyes back to the Lord and there I find satisfaction as I remember and declare His faithfulness, tender kindness, and unfailing love for me.
Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus and receive His love.
Reflection Points:
- Is there someone or something in my life other than God that I am holding on to to fill me with happiness and satisfaction?
- How do I respond to God’s love for me?
- How can I continuously fix my eyes on Jesus and look to Him alone?
Our Father in heaven, thank You for Your unfailing love for us. Teach us to always look to You, and as we do, help us experience Your goodness more and more. Consume and transform us with Your love, Lord. These we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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Writer : Monica Tejada, B1G GenTri