Setting the Lord before me

B1G Imus
3 min readOct 13, 2021

Some people perceive working from home as an easy work setup. Why? Because you don’t have to commute anymore, which usually takes 4–5 hours a day. Instead of being stuck in the traffic, you can do so much things just being at home: whether doing your hobbies, being more productive at work, or improving yourself by learning new things. I am not saying that these mentalities are wrong. In fact, working from home even gives us quality time with our family and loved ones. But in some aspects, I myself struggled in managing my time well. I found myself taking too much advantage of the precious time the Lord has given me. I was so deceived that I could delay some of my priorities, focus on killing time just to make myself entertained, and not making the most of the opportunity as Ephesians 5: 15–16 says, “Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil” (NIV).

We do it for Jesus

Making the most of the opportunity means whatever we do, we do it for Christ and not for ourselves because the days are evil. As a follower of Christ, we should know our duty and be wise by living out the truth (His Word).

I also struggled in prioritizing Jesus everyday. To be honest, it really feels disheartening when we tend to accomplish our work for someone else, like for ourselves or our boss, but fail to acknowledge the One who gives us wisdom, strength, and favor. And so, whenever I have my quiet time with the Lord, I am always being reminded of this verse in Psalm 16:8, “I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken” (NIV).

Christ — our object of faith and hope

Matthew Henry emphasizes that “it is our duty to set the Lord always before us.” It takes an effort to put Him first in our lives before anything else. And I believe this should be our lifestyle as a believer of Christ.

I also like John Gill’s illustration in his commentary. It says; “Christ is set before men in the Gospel, to look unto as the object of faith and hope, to trust in and depend upon for life and salvation.”

To young professionals who are working from home like me, let us set Christ before us each day, as our Topmost Priority, and the Object of our faith and hope, fully depending on Him not just for our salvation, but in everything. By God’s help and grace alone will we be able to prioritize Him over everything else.

Remember, putting the Lord first has an eternal significance in our lives and and in the lives of those whom we minister to.

How are you planning to set Him before you everyday starting today? May the Holy Spirit empower us to do so.


Angela Ruth Anicete




B1G Imus
B1G Imus

Written by B1G Imus

Be One With God — Imus. B1G means Be One With God. We are a community where the singles, not-yet-married people gather and know more about Jesus.

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