Have you been physically tired and emotionally exhausted lately? Does your current scenario make you feel weary and restless of the future? Are you already out of patience waiting for that healing, that breakthrough, that dream, that job, that relationship? Does the road to recovery in this pandemic seem endless?
The Infinite God
A good reminder for our hearts and minds is Isaiah 40:28–31.
The word used to describe God in the verse is “everlasting”. It also equates to eternal — beyond time. He is infinite.
That means the power and strength that He has never runs dry. Further into verse 28, we see that the God we serve never gets weary and tired and His wisdom cannot be measured.
While our minds are only limited in capacity and our strength can’t do much, we have a God who can supply us more than we need! Isn’t it already encouraging that our source of strength is that kind of God? We are told in verse 29 that God gives strength to those who are weary. So take heart! Our God will surely give you strength to persevere and continue to do what He has called you to do.
His strength in our waiting
You may be in waiting season right now, but there are no “wastes” in living life for Jesus. All of those will produce fruits that will help us walk through life and to minister to others as well. Yes, it is normal to stumble and fall in life (as mentioned in verse 30). But we should not stay stumbled and fallen forever. If we put our trust in the Lord, we will find strength. Strength to get up, carry on and move forward in life to persevere with our purpose and calling.
In these struggling times, may we find strength in the Lord by waiting for His timing and see how our character is honed for what the Lord is about to do in our lives.
Through the storms of life, by faith, we will anchor our hope and security in Christ alone. Remember, He was never bothered by the storm (Mark 4:37–39). He was at peace, He was at rest.
With that in mind, we are and we will be complete and strengthened in Jesus. Surely, God will see us through and empower us to walk and run, without getting tired,until Christ returns.
We claim and believe that Jesus will lift us up, use us to do things for His glory and purpose because He is the God who is limitless, who will empower us to do the unimaginable and the impossible.
And just like what Buzz Lightyear always says: “To infinity and beyond!”
Jed Gener