It’s been a year! For some of us, it’s been a year of working at home and I guess the majority of us are now well-adjusted to the new normal, but maybe some are still having a hard time focusing on work due to the home-based setup where we have the liberty to watch Netflix, play pc games and not work at all.
Why do we need to talk about this?
Because during this time most of us tend to be complacent. Some of us tend to be present online during work hours but actually work outside those hours. As a follower of God, we should be excellent in what we do, work diligently, and serve the Lord through our work.
Work Excellently for God’s glory
Our main verse today is on Colossians 3:17:
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
During the time the work from home setup was announced I have no clue how to go about it. I was tempted to work just for half the day, play computer games or rest on the remaining part of the day, but I was reminded that this is not glorifying to the Lord. Honestly, the Lord doesn’t want us to be mediocre at work. He calls us to be excellent.
What does it mean to work excellently? Let’s examine ourselves. When our boss is not around, what do we usually do? When working at home, what do we usually do after we logged in?
If our answer is to stop working when our boss is not around or sleep even after logging in, then we are not glorifying the Lord. Being excellent in our work means that we are doing our best with or without supervision.
Why should we do this?
Because we are working not to please our bosses but to please our Lord. We should realize that our work is not from our own doing but it was given to us as a blessing.
I was reminded of the parable of talents (Matthew 25:14–30), wherein the first slave was given five talents, the second was given two talents and the last one was given one talent. The first and the second slaves were able to multiply the talents but the last slave buried the only talent entrusted to him. When their master returned, the first and second slaves were praised by the master, however, the master was angry with the last slave who did nothing with his talent.
Among the slaves, who resonates with you most? Are we the slaves who utilize the precious things the Lord has entrusted, or are we the last slave who wasted the chance to do so?
Be excellent in our work, God is with us.
Allen Eugenio
B1G Imus Coordinator